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Disc/holy Priest Application

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Disc/holy Priest Application Empty Disc/holy Priest Application

Post by droter Sun Dec 14, 2014 1:29 pm

Player info

Name (and char name): William, Shodo
Age: 15 and ½
Gender: male
Where do/are you live/from: Sweden, sundsvall

Character information 

Battlenet ID: Droter#2715
Class: Priest
Spec (MS/OS) why did you take this spec?: MS: Disc. I choosed disc because it is my favourite healing spec of all of them. It feels natural for me to play disc. OS Holy: I choosed Holy because it is fun to play but weak. It is glourious in Dungs/cm i usually play it for variation or in dungs/cm.
What professions do you have. And why?: Jc/enchanting. I choosed it because it is by far the best rading proffesion. You can get gems/enchants easier and cheaper.
Armory link:
Equipped ILVL 640
Wowprogress link: (note that the rankings were from when i played Holy in synergiez. Didn't really play to well in a raid environment as holy.
Alts, usefull?  how?: Boomibo (prot warr). He is and may be my only serious alt that i will play on. I will play on him when he will be needed or when i have done all the content for my priest that week.

Do you want to join as a social member or a raider? Raider

If you are applying as a Raider (do not skip this part): 

We are currently raiding 3 times a week, Wednesday, Thursdays and Mondays from 20.00 to 23.00. How many of those raids are you able to attend? I will probably be avaiable to joim all of them. if i dont got any homework to do that night.

If you are not able to attend all raids, what is holding you back? School mostly.

Some weeks we might throw in an extra raid on tuesday for a clear or an important killl, how do you feel about this? I am totally okay with that as long as i get informed about it 1 or 2 days before. So i can schedule it in.

Since we will be focused on Mythicraiding, we will strive to have a raidcore consisting of 23-25 players, this will mean people will have to sit out encounters. Are you able to understand and accept this fact? Yes i am it isnt more than right.

During progress we will in most cases go with the group that has the biggest chance of killing the boss, this could possibly mean that you are sat out for certain progression fights. What would be your reaction? I am fine with that. Some classes are better at certain fights.

What is your reaction if we fail to get a raidgroup going on a raidday? I'll be quite sad. I hoped to raid that day. But it aint anything that i can do about it. So i would just get over it.

What do you feel about wiping. Please describe why you feel like that? I ain't that type of person that rages or get mad becasue we wiped. Everyone can make mistakes and i accept that. I get happy as long as we are learning and progressing even though it may take a while to get the boss down.

Are you able to use Teamspeak 3 (talking not required, but preffered)? I got the highest grade in english. So i dont minde to talk english with other people. I got Teasmspeak.

Link a screenshot of your raiding UI:

If you are applying as a social member(also applies for applicants towards raiders):

How did you hear about us and why do you want to join Kittens Ltd.? I looked in wowprogress and i saw your guild. I looked in the information about it and it looked liek the type of guild that i am looking for.

Do you know anyone currently playing within our guild? if so, who? Do they recommend you? I do not know anyone that are in Kittens ltd. But i would love to Razz 

What do you feel you can contribute to the guild as a player and as a person? I can give you the last healing spot that you were looking after. Alos i can contribute with good healing and always be there when you need it. I got many alts that i could lvl up if needed and i got alot of spare time so i will come on almost all of the raids.

What are you like as a person? As a person i am very calm and a bit shy. I have been playing in team sports. So i know how to take orders from a leader. Other than that i am kinda a normal person.

Would you say you are easily offended? well, yes. I dont like when people are trash talking to me. But i can take critism if you talk to me nicely.

Guild history

Previous guild(s) and what positon were you in, did you have any mandate as that position, if so what?: I joined "synergiez" at the end of mop. I played with them for some time and got 14/14 mythic. Then in wod they got really many trails and i had to go holy if i wanted to stay. So i played holy with them in wod. Didn't go to well since i aint used to heal as holy in raids. I ended up losing my raider rank and got demoted to member. 

Why did you get kicked/leave/want to leave? I answered that in the question above.

Previous raiding experience - what class did you play during that time? I have always been playing Disc and prot warr. I didn't raid to seriously in the beggining of mop. But started to raid seriously when siege of Orgrimmar was realised. Got 14/14 Mythic in Synergiez with my priest.

Wich expansion did you enjoy the most, and why? I started to play in the end of Wrath. So i only got to play in the end game in Cata and mop. I loved mop the most. Because it was back then i started to raid.


Fun facts!

Name your 3 best songs and artist, right now: I LOVE MONSTERCAT AND HARDSTYLE!!! 1. Disconnected (pegboard nerds) 2. Adventure time (Rogue) 3. Let this go (Stan SB)

Other games you play: OSU! , Dota 2, COD

Tell us about yourself: (work? going to church? sports? anything you think we should know? theese question are examples) I love alot of things. I love being with friends, playing video games, sports, and i am school motivated. I love all kind of board sports. I am skateboarding, longboarding, snowboarding and snowskating.
If i did this template i would add the following question: None

Best youtube video and/or best picture on the internet (this does not have to be a lolcat): has to be this. Never gets old XD

And finally, post your favorite lolcat! Disc/holy Priest Application LOLcat+-+Yarr


Antal inlägg : 1
Registreringsdatum : 2014-12-14

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Disc/holy Priest Application Empty Re: Disc/holy Priest Application

Post by Uhaskitten Sun Dec 14, 2014 6:15 pm

Hello William and thank you for applying to the guild.

Well written application. Easy to read with the different color scheme on the answers. We officer will have a talk about your application and we will get back to you as soon as possible with an answer. Until then, just sit tight.

Kind Regards
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Disc/holy Priest Application Empty Re: Disc/holy Priest Application

Post by Uhaskitten Tue Dec 16, 2014 1:16 pm

Hello again William!

Thank you for taking the time to apply to our guild. We officer have had a talk about your application and we have come to the conclusion that we don't see the need for yet another disc priest as it stands right now. What is also abit worrying to us is your young age, seeing as how some of our raid discussion and/or ingame talk might not go too well with the underage crowd.
We do however wish you the best of luck with any furthur guild applications you might do and last but not least, stay in school, don't do drugs, use protection.

Kind Regards
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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