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Resto druid

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Resto druid Empty Resto druid

Post by lazaru Thu Nov 27, 2014 6:18 pm

Player info

Name (and char name): Marcel / Lazaru
Age: 22
Gender: Male
Where do/are you live/from: South-Africa

Character information

Battlenet ID:
Class: Druid
Spec (MS/OS) why did you take this spec?: Resto/Balance, Healing is just so awesome on druid. LOVE IT  bounce , as for the offspec, can play any offspec if needed, but currently balance since it has about the same gear as resto.(Such Technical, much wow)
What professions do you have. And why?: Alchemy(FOR PILLS AND POTIONS), Leatherworking (To make sexy gear)
Are you willing to get professions suited for your class and PVE content? If needed.
Armory link:
Equipped ILVL 630
Wowprogress link:
Alts, usefull? how?: Can level and play anyone of them if the guild needs me to.
(90)Warlock -
(90)DK -
(90)Hunter -
(90)Warrior -
(90)Shaman -
(90)Priest -

Do you want to join as a social member or a raider? h4rdcor3 1337 raider!

If you are applying as a Raider (do not skip this part):

We are currently raiding 3 times a week, Wednesday, Thursdays and Mondays from 20.00 to 23.00. How many of those raids are you able to attend?
All and more

If you are not able to attend all raids, what is holding you back? Nothing can hold me!

Some weeks we might throw in an extra raid on tuesday for a clear or an important killl, how do you feel about this? MOAR!

Since we will be focused on Mythicraiding, we will strive to have a raidcore consisting of 23-25 players, this will mean people will have to sit out encounters. Are you able to understand and accept this fact? I do

During progress we will in most cases go with the group that has the biggest chance of killing the boss, this could possibly mean that you are sat out for certain progression fights. What would be your reaction? Other players need more loot to come close to my skills, so meh

What is your reaction if we fail to get a raidgroup going on a raidday? I'd stay on longer to see if people might show up.

What do you feel about wiping. Please describe why you feel like that? Wiping = learning, the more we know the better.

Are you able to use Teamspeak 3 (talking not required, but preffered)? Yes

Link a screenshot of your raiding UI:

If you are applying as a social member(also applies for applicants towards raiders):

How did you hear about us and why do you want to join Kittens Ltd.?
Wowprogress, Was looking for a good guild with suitable raiding times and the fact that I don't have to transfer now was the thing that sold it.

Do you know anyone currently playing within our guild? if so, who? Do they recommend you? Unfortunately not.

What do you feel you can contribute to the guild as a player and as a person? Stable player with lots of random remarks about everything. Herp

What are you like as a person? Quiet and sarcastic. Both bad characteristics.

Would you say you are easily offended? I feel offended by this question.

Guild history

Previous guild(s) and what positon were you in, did you have any mandate as that position, if so what?:

WotLK - Angry Kittens(Casual raiding guild). Started official WoW in WotLK, so just joined a friends guild to learn the basics of the real game.
Cata - Satya Yuga, started off on my Warlock and was my first competitive raiding guild, they had me swap from Warlock to druid since they needed a healer.
      - Aftermath, joined them at the end of Cata on DS and cleared content, then MoP hit and they disbanded. Went into panic mode but got a new guild fast after that.
MoP - Chronos, we cleared content and did HC progress. We were ranked realm #3 at the time. They changed realm and faction.
     - Pescorus, joined them after Chronos transferred, we were ranked #2, only second to Flat Earth Society, cleared HC content untill they disbanded due to IRL issues with some players. After that I stopped playing WoW for about a year due to studies. So I skipped the most of MoP, but from what I heard it was a bad expansion, so I got that going for me which is nice.

Why did you get kicked/leave/want to leave?

Angry kittens - Left cause I wanted to start competitive raiding.
Satya Yuga - Left cause they always had me on standby healer, never made the core group since they were all close friends.
Aftermath - Disbanded.
Chronos - Could not transfer with them at the time.
Pescorus - Disbanded.

Previous raiding experience - what class did you play during that time?

TBC - Played a priest(healer) on a private server, most of the fights were scripted but it got me use to the play style of the game. Cleared all TBC content on scripted fights so they don't really count I guess.
WotLK - Played DK
Cleared - Naxx 25 15/15
- OS 25 3D 1/1
- EoE 1/1
- Ulduar 15 14/14
- OL25 1/1
- ToGC 25HC 5/5
- ICC 25HC 11/12 (Casual raiding guild)
- RS 25HC 1/1
Cata - Started playing Warlock
Cleared all starting raids on normal till I switched to resto druid.
- BWD HC 6/6
- TFW HC 1/2 ( Did progress on Al'Akir and got to last phase, was just not there for the kill since I was standby healer).
- BoT HC 5/5
- FL HC 7/7
- DS HC 8/8
MoP - Resto druid.
- MV HC 4/6
- HoF HC 1/6
- ToES 4/4
Stoppe progress raiding after this.
Started playing WoW again at the end of MoP
Did a few bosses including Hellscream normal(HC now) and so on with out of date gear.

Which expansion did you enjoy the most, and why?

Most people would say WotLK, but I prefer Cataclysm the most since I started competitive raiding during it, and always had good progression.


Fun facts!

Name your 3 best songs and artist, right now:

Skillet - Hero
Breaking Benjamin - Diary of Jane
Justin Bieber - baby

Other games you play:

Dota 2

Tell us about yourself: (work? going to church? sports? anything you think we should know? these question are examples)

Currently working/studying for a Electo/mechanical Engineer. Only sport I play is E-sport, played CS:GO competitive and dominated local LANs, was in the best CS:GO clan in SA, don't know how good we would have been compared to international pro teams.

If i did this template i would add the following question: WoL/CombatLog phrases!

Best youtube video and/or best picture on the internet (this does not have to be a lolcat):

And finally, post your favorite lolcat!


Antal inlägg : 32
Registreringsdatum : 2014-11-27

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Resto druid Empty Re: Resto druid

Post by Uhaskitten Thu Nov 27, 2014 8:41 pm

Hello there Marcel!

First off, a really nice well written application. First glance of it gave me goosebumps, finally someone utilises the colours (different once for answers and question). Just like how i inteded it with the template, even though you can't copy paste and keep that from the template Sad. Anyway, continuing the reading of the app just made me more pleased. Answers don't have to be long, as long as they made sense with the overall context of the application wich yours did. Once again, good job on the application Smile.

Aaaaanyway, we officers will have a heated debate about your application and we will get back to you as soon as we have calmed down and agreed upon a decision Smile.

Kind regards!
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Resto druid Empty Re: Resto druid

Post by Uhaskitten Sat Nov 29, 2014 10:57 am

Hello again Marcel!

We officer have now had a talk about your application and we would like to welcome you into the guild!
You are free to whisper any of the officers online for a guildinvite. (Shehaskitten, chane, crowz, ihaskitten) If noone of the officers are currently online you can just whisper anyone online and they can direct you to the closest officer. It can also be noted that most of the *something*kitten is usually an officer either on a main or an alt.

With this post you should also have been given forum access.

Kind Regards
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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