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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Ilithya Tue Apr 29, 2014 5:05 pm

Name (and char name): Roxanne (Ilithya)
Age: 27
Gender: Female
Where do you live/from: Edinburgh, Scotland
Name your 3 best songs and artist, right now: Wow, pressure, erm...1.Sail, Awolnation, 2. I see fire, Ed Sheeran, 3. Rather be, Clean Bandit (and im going to sneak in Misty Mountain Cold as im totally Hobbit obsessed at the moment).

Other games you play: I used to play a bit of Halo and CoD but then found WoW and not looked back since.

Character information

Battlenet ID: Ilithya#2515
Class: Priest
Spec (MS/OS) why did you take this spec?: MS - Disc, OD - Holy. Priest was my first ever healing class, I swore blind to my friends i'd hate it but by level 10 I was in love, I initially went with Holy but found myself much more attracted to the attonement style of healing that disc was offering, then once the MOP pre-expac came and we were given a gentle nudge (massive shove) into absorbs, it blew my mind, absorb healing was amazing, not only focusing on reacting to damage but focusing more on planning when hits would come and ensuring my group was well bubbled before it arrived.  It was the spec for me.
What professions do you have. And why?: Across my main and alts, I have all professions.  On my main I have enchanting and tailoring.  I choose these professions as I felt enchanting offered a great bonus of extra Int on my rings, also being able to craft my own enchants as I needed.  Tailoring I believe is a good option for the crafted gear and profession specific leg and cloak bonuses.
Armory link:
Equipped ILVL: 571
Wowprogress link:
Alts, useful? how?: At level 90 I have, a BM hunter, Frost Mage, Blood DK, Resto Druid, MW Monk and Holy Pala. I have a level 40 resto shammy awaiting to use my level 90 boost on...maybe...unless I want a shammy...undecided! They are useful as I have all professions on them and Alchemy twice, once for transmutes and once for flasks procs.  I have also dabbled in dps on my hunter and mage but I feel that I just perform a lot better as a healer.

Do you want to join as a social member or a MoP-raider or WoD-Raider?
I would ideally like to be a WoD raider and a social member, I would be happy to help out with SoO if you needed me as a back up healer, always up for flexi and old social raid content. Ideally I'm thinking more towards WoD but always willing to help when needed.  

If you are applying as a MoP-raider (if not skip this part):

We are currently raiding 3 times a week, Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays from 20.00 to 23.00. How many of those raids are you able to attend?

I could attend if I was needed as a back up but I wouldn't be able to raid those days full time at the moment.

Some weeks we throw in an extra raid on Tuesday for a clear on whats left (Sometimes only Garrosh). How do you feel about this?
I can help out on a Tuesday, especially if its a Garrosh kill only, those looms!

We are strictly a 10 man raiding guild, which means we only focus on 10 man raids, can you explain your reasons for applying to a 10 man only guild instead of a 25 man raiding guild?

I have only raided 10 man (apart from some larger flexi groups and LFR ofc), I feel that in 10 man you get a great sense of friendship between everyone, i'm not sure the same could be achieved in 25 man, hopefully mythic 20 man still be able to maintain the friendly atmosphere.

As we strive to have a raid core of 13 players, we are rotating our raiders during farm bosses, this means that you will have to sit out some fights. How do you feel about that?
Perfectly fine, I have achievements to hunt :)Also I feel that rotating players allows people to have a rest and a bit of time off, I think we are all guilty of looking at a clock and realising we have spent 20+ hours on wow and not even noticed!!

During progress we will in most cases go with the group that has the biggest chance of killing the boss, this could possibly mean that you are sat out for certain progression fights. What would be your reaction?

I think that what is best for progress should come first, not hurt feelings.  I struggled on Spoils and offered to sit the fight out for progression to allow a more bursty healer to see them through.

What is your reaction if we fail to get a raid group going on a raid day?
Sad face, but things happen, there is always flexi and in WoD I believe all raids apart from mythic will be scaled to members so it could be fun for an alt run/sub run.

What do you feel about wiping. Please describe why you feel like that?
Wipes happen! My old guild and I killed Immer HC with only 1 raid member left standing, all it takes is one.  I watched Method streaming ToT live and about 6 of their raiders couldn't get over the bridge and wiped the raid, in the end they needed to get summoned across! I'm quite a positive person and I don't like to be beaten so I feel that wipes focus me more into nailing the tactics and showing the boss who is.....the boss!

Are you able to use Teamspeak 3 (talking not required, but preffered)?
Currently using mumble but happy to download TS3 and happy to talk.

If you are applying as a social member(also applies for applicants towards raiders):

How did you hear about us and why do you want to join Kittens Ltd.?

I heard about your guild on WoWProgress.  I looked through your achievements and checked your website out, also checked out a few members on wow armory. From the responses Ive read on the forum it seems like a fun place, everyone has a good sense of humor, from the obsession with cats I see we already have something in common, I am both a cat and dog lover (recently rescued a neglected cat but don't let that sway you).  I am looking for a social, fun but dedicated guild that wants to progress and improve, I feel that that is what Kittens Ltd is.

Do you know anyone currently playing within our guild? if so, who?
What do you feel you can contribute to the guild?
I think that I can contribute a happy go lucky person to the guild that is always willing to help out and contribute. In my last guild, I did all the enchants for people and was happy to give out my crafted gear for free for alts, I also provided the guild bank with herbs, flasks and pots and proud to say, I was the main Noodle Vendor for raid nights!.  I always love to get involved with achievements, not been 100% scared of pvp so will sometimes give it a shot, love doing old raid content and pretty much anything that people want to do.

Would you say you are easily offended?
Not really, I don't really take anything to heart because at the end of the day I have my wow life and I have my real life, at the end of a wow session, I turn off my computer and do something else.  Issues happen but from my experience, they only occur because we are all passionate people wanting to be the best we can, mistakes happen you can get shouted at but you just shake it off and accept the ress! If only real life was so easy!
If you are applying as a WoD-raider:

*Note that we do not require our WoD-raiders to join the guild right now as we can offer limited raidtime. Applying and getting accepted as a warlords raider will simply secure your spot in our Warlords raidcore. You are then free to join the guild whenever you want to (with the start of the expansion being the absolute latest)

What class are you intending to play during Warlords of Draenor?

I am currently awaiting for more information about the class changes but I would like to stay with Disc Priest as I feel I can adjust well to changes on this character and I play when strongest when playing priest.

What is your prefered role? (RDPS, MDPS, Tank, Healer)

Would you be willing to use your lvl 90 char boost to get another class more suited to the guilds needs?
Sure, although I have most at 90 already and I don't think I would enjoy playing a warrior or lock.

We will still be raiding 3 times a week, Thursdays, Sundays and Mondays from 20.00 to 23.00. How many of those raids are you able to attend?
All in WoD
Some weeks we might throw in an extra raid on tuesday for a clear or an important killl, how do you feel about this?
That's fine.
Since we will be focused on Mythicraiding, we will strive to have a raidcore consisting of 23--25 players, this will mean people will have to sit out encounters. Are you able to understand and accept this fact?
Sure, as above, more time to hunt achievements, pets, mounts, maybe one day catch a 15lb mudskipper for Salty!
Guild history

Previous guild(s) and what positon were you in, did you have any mandate as that position, if so what?:

Al Salma City - member
Kill The Healer - member
Worthless - Herald (i'm pretty sure this was a made up position to keep both me and the other female happy!, we used to make sure the guild message was updated with the latest raid times/attendance and that was about it!

Why did you get kicked/leave/want to leave?
Al Salma City - Left - I was a lonely level 5 priest wandering around when a guild invite popped up and I accepted it, it was run by 3 guys from Dubai who looked after me well, took me to LFR and helped me learn how to play.  I am still friends with them on real ID today.  I left because I wanted to move to a more social guild and wanted to try out PVP so some friends I had met along the way invited me to their guild.

Kill The Healer - Left - I left this guild as it was focused on PVP and it turned out PVP wasn't really my greatest strength! I wanted to move into PVE raiding so applied and joined a raiding guild.
Worthless - Left - I left this guild as it was becoming harder and harder to get a raid team together, to the extend of not raiding for weeks at a time, it then because clear that there was no way we would be taking part in mythic raiding in WoD due to several raiders refusing to take part, relations broke down and I decided it was time to look forward for a guild that was excited about Mythic Raiding.

Previous raiding experience - what class did you play during that time? MoP raid experience of most interest. But also fun for us too see what you raided beforehand:

I've only raided on my priest, I joined at the end of Cata so the content was pretty nerfed by the time I did it but cleared all Cata raids. I joined worthless as a sub so only really got a chance to clear the normals that people were bored of doing but I got a full time space in ToT and started HC progression.

MV normal 6/6
HoF normal 6/6
Toes normal 4/4
ToT normal 12/12
ToT HC 6/13
SoO normal 14/14
SoO HC 8/14

Which expansion did you enjoy the most, and why?
I think I love them all but I really look back at starting out in Cata fondly as everything was so new and shiny. I seriously enjoyed raiding ToT and we would of progressed further but our tank left half way through progression. I thought all the fights in ToT were tuned perfectly and I loved every single one.


Fun facts!

Tell us about yourself: (work? going to church? sports? anything you think we should know?)
Hmm, well I live in Scotland, I work for the NHS and the biggest love of my life apart from WoW is my little tiny miniature dachshund puppy Rocco! He is awesome, as i type this he is crying at my feet as he wants to go out! so I best hurry up. Hmm, well i'm a Libra....I was the captain of my volleyball team at school...oh a fun fact is that my school was the idea behind the build of Hogwarts in the Harry Potter films (George Heriots, Edinburgh if you want to check it out!)....and a fun noob moment in my wow history - when i first joined, I couldnt work out how to sell things to vendors, so I used to go to the buy back tab, drag and drop 12 items in to sell them, my friends have never let me live down the fact that I thought you could only sell 12 items a day!!!!!

If i did this template i would add the following question:

Have you ever forgot you couldn't fly at the start of an expansion and fell to your death off a ledge?

My answer to this question would be yes, yes I have, in front of a lot of people who very clearly knew my cries that it was my mouse bugging out were lies.... Embarassed 

Best youtube video and/or best picture on the internet (this does not have to be a lolcat):

Don't mess with mama....

And finally, post your favorite lolcat!
Ilithya - Disc Priest Application 2cosz5s

I hope I covered everything, if you need any more information do give me a shout on here or wow but I must take this dog out before he wees on meeeee!

Thanks for reading! x

Antal inlägg : 16
Registreringsdatum : 2014-04-29

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Uhaskitten Tue Apr 29, 2014 8:58 pm

Hello my fair Lady Roxanne!

Thank you for applying to our guild! First of all. This is what i'd like to have all the application be written like. If i was a teacher i would off have given you the highest grader possible. Top notch application right here! Smile.

We officers will have a disucssion about your application and we will get back to you within the next 24hours with an answer.

Kind regards
She has of the kitten
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Ilithya Tue Apr 29, 2014 9:26 pm

Hello Smile

Thank you very much for taking the time to get back to me and thank you for your comments about the application, I was worried I was rambling away a bit too much but I'm glad it got top marks. It was really fun writing it and thinking back to all the various stages of my wow life!

Thank you for taking it to the officers, i really appreciate it and I look forward to speaking to you soon!

Roxanne x


Antal inlägg : 16
Registreringsdatum : 2014-04-29

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Uhaskitten Wed Apr 30, 2014 5:22 am

Hello again!

No need to thank me, afterall i am "the application guy" :p. You might have noticed that considering I'm the one who responded to all the other application (in case you read them). It's alot better to ramble on about all the stuffs than to not really type anything. Only going "yes/no" on all the question is something a baddie would do. This kind of application makes me and and my fellow officers job alittle bit easier Smile.

Anyhow, we did a talk about your application over the teamspeak last night as we were all gathererd on it and we took the opportunity to "have the talk".

We came to the decision that we think you would be a good asset to our guild. We understand you are not really able to raid now i MoP and you are mainly setting your eyes on the WoD expansion. With this said, we can't garantee a spot in MoP raids but for WoD it shouldn't be a problem. But it seems you are fine with beeing a backup healer, wich is alright with us aswell. We sometimes try to take on the more social people on the farmbosses when we clear that on Thursday. This week will probably be alittle special as we will save lockout and continue progress on Klaxxi HC.

I'd love to do the invite myself but seeing as im going away later tonight and will be gone over the weekend that is gonna be somewhat of a problem. So I recommend that you talk to any of the other officers for an invite (Ihasdogg, Chane, Crowz). If noone of them ar online they might be on one of 1290391 alts, in that case just whisper anyone online in the guild and they can point you in the right direction Smile.

Again, well written appliation and welcome to the guild Smile.

Kind regards
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Beaky Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:12 am

well i guess im definitely not healing in wod then.

welcome Very Happy

Antal inlägg : 237
Registreringsdatum : 2013-11-18

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Uhaskitten Wed Apr 30, 2014 7:17 am

Beaky wrote:well i guess im definitely not healing in wod then.

welcome Very Happy
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 510
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Ihaskitten Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:14 am

Beaky wrote:well i guess im definitely not healing in wod then.

welcome Very Happy

If you were healing, who would do belts?!

Also, welcome!
Officer Bro
Officer Bro

Antal inlägg : 440
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Beaky Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:22 am

Ihaskitten wrote:
Beaky wrote:well i guess im definitely not healing in wod then.

welcome Very Happy

If you were healing, who would do belts?!

Also, welcome!

i do belts as healer?!

Antal inlägg : 237
Registreringsdatum : 2013-11-18

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Ilithya Wed Apr 30, 2014 10:24 am

Hi all,

Thanks so much for the approval and all the welcomes Smile , that is great news and I really appreciated you all speaking so quickly to get me an answer!

I'm absolutely fine with just being a sub in MoP, I found the step into raiding when I joined my last guild made me very nervous, especially joining mumble/TS with 9 people who I was just speaking to for the first time so being a sub for them for the first few months gave me a good opportunity to get to know everyone and feel more at ease, I also used to watch their stream and joined them in mumble while I wasnt in the raid so I could learn their tactics and put the voices to names/characters....nothing more embarrassing in a new raid group than someone saying "Hey Roxy, come over here" and you're thinking...Ermmm, I have no idea where here or you are ha!

By being social and joining in on some dungeons, Scenarios, old content or farm bosses will give me a great chance to settle in before WoD and get to know everyone, I'd hate to mess up and look like a right fool just down to nerves!

Funny story, will keep it quick - When I was subbed in for my first ever MV boss, Meng the Demented, I was playing on my old MacBook which had terrible FPS, they told me "Okay we stack at the start then move once he casts annihilate" Sure thing I said....shame my macbook had other ideas, my FPS hit zero as soon as the raid started, I couldnt move and I died within the first 5 seconds...worst feeling ever! The day after I went out and bought a gaming PC Smile.

Anyway, I am rambling again, thank you again very much for approving my application and I will whisper someone in game and join the ranks! Really looking forward to getting to know you all and teaching these bosses that Kittens shouldn't be messed with!!!!

Antal inlägg : 16
Registreringsdatum : 2014-04-29

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Shoogo Wed Apr 30, 2014 11:52 am

Welcome welcome! Smile

Antal inlägg : 469
Registreringsdatum : 2013-02-20

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Ilithya - Disc Priest Application Empty Re: Ilithya - Disc Priest Application

Post by Cable90 Wed Apr 30, 2014 3:38 pm

Welcome! Very Happy

Antal inlägg : 155
Registreringsdatum : 2013-04-10

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